Sunday, 16. February 2025
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  • Independent Research
    - We have been established in the capital market since 1995
    - We are leaders in the German market of white label research
    - Our team includes 25 full-time employees
    - We have extensive relations with companies
    - We are part of a large network in the capital market
    - We are a partner to banks, asset managers, investment firms, and corporations.
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  • New address
    In end-2021, our office moved to Taunusanlage 9-10, Frankfurt am Main.

    We are looking forward to welcoming you.
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Welcome to Independent Research

As Germany's largest independent analyst company, we have been a reliable partner to investment companies, banks, securities banks, and issuers since 1995. Our services range from capital market research to company valuation, capital market advisory services and securities reports to outsourcing services for banks. Our customers' confidence in us is primarily based on our strengths that make all the difference in today's capital market: independence, expertise, and flexibility.

Independence is the core element of our philosophy. Independent Research operates independently, and is entirely owned by its management. Neither trade activities nor other compulsions impede our analytic or advisory services in any way. As an important services provider to institutional investors and capital market participants, Independent Research has committed itself to the highest standards of professional ethics.


phone_lite Telephone +49 (0)69 / 5050 60 4245
Fax +49 (0)69 / 5050 60 4299
Taunusanlage 9-10
60329 Frankfurt
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